Friday, February 29, 2008

Haftorat Vayakhel

The Haftorah for Parshas Vayakhel describes a number of aspects pertaining to Shlomo Hamelech’s construction of the first Beis HaMikdash. Just like the Mishkan, here too a great deal of enthusiasm and creativity went into the making the Beis Hamikash and it’s various components. The Pasukim describe how the vessels used in the Beis Hamikdash were much more numerous and luxurious then their Mishkan counterparts.
One of the main additions in the first Beis HaMikdash was the two massive and ornately decorated pillars standing at the entrance to the Ulam (hall). The Pillar on the right was called Yachin;” it will remain established”, and the pillar on the left was named Boaz; “in it is strength”. Most commentaters explain that the pillars were names such as a siman tov so that the temple will remain forever, and that the Jewish people will remain strong and mighty.
The Malbim gives a deeper explanation to the naming of the pillars. He says that the names are a hint to the two ways in which G-d interacts with the world. The first way is through the laws of nature that were set at the beginning of creation. This is represented by Boaz, hinting to the fact that G-d’s might can be seen in the natural world, and that it will never change. The second method of interaction is through miracles and divine providence. This is embodied in Yachin, implying that G-d will establish divine assistance for those who follow in his ways on earth.
Have a Great Shabbos!

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