Saturday, March 22, 2008

Haftorat Tzav

In this weeks Parsha we read about the inauguration of the Mishkan and the Kohanim as well as the laws of additional Korbanos and services to be performed by the Kohanim
The continuous theme throughout Sefer Vayikra is the service of the Mishkan, dealing mainly with the laws of the korbanos and laws of Tumah and Tahara. This theme connects Sefer Vayikra to Sefer Shemos, explains the Ramban in his introduction to Sefer Vayikra, as the sign of the complete redempton from Egypt was the building and completion of the Mishkan. The service performed in the Mishkan would act as a protection for Klal Yisrael as it would ensure that Hashem's presence would not leave since the Korbanos brought would act as an atonement for their sins.
However, this notion that acts of bringing sacrifices will atone for our sins is somewhat difficult for us to comprehend. Is this all we need for Hashem to forgive our actions? Furthermore, as we read in Parshas Terumah (25:8) the purpose of building the Mishkan is "ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם", that the Mishkan should serve as a place that Hashem can dwell among us. This notion of Hashem, who we believe has no physical element whatsoever, dwells among us through the building of the Mishkan is also difficult to comprehend. How can it be that Hashem is containe in a physical entity?
The explanation to these questions, לענ"ד, perhaps can be found in this weeks Haftorah andhopefully it will give us a better perspective on the act of bringing Korbanos and the general idea of having a Mishkan/Beis Hamikdash/Shul.
In this weeks's Haftorah, Yermeyahu criticizes Klal Yisrael by telling them to pile their Korban Olos on their Korban Shelamim since "So said Hashem... for I did not speak with your forefathers nor did I command them-on the day that I took them out of the land of Egypt-concerning olah offerings or peace offering, Rather I commanded them only regarding this matter, saying: "Hear mt voice that I may be G-d unto you and you shall follow along the entire path in which I command, you, so that it will go well for you" (Artscroll translation).
It seems that the message is clear, Hashem does not desire mundane pleasure from us and therefore requires us that we should bring Korbanos, rather only with if the Korbanos are brought with sincerity can they be considered in fulfillment of serving Hashem. Yermeyahu is telling Klal Yisrael that the whole idea of bringing Korbanos is to serve as tools in serving Hashem which is what He desires and not insincerely brought Korbanos. Likewise, the Mishkan does not give us greater access to Hashem, rather it is something we can identify with to give us a sense of greater connection and closeness to Hashem. Hashem recognizes that as humans we always relate to something better if we can observe it physically. This is similar to the Kuzari's idea that the sin of the Eigel was not that they worshiped Avodah Zara, but because Klal Yisrael needed some physical entity that could bring them close to Hashem which is perfectly fine but it must be as Hashem commands. Therefore the Eigel, which was not as Hashem commanded was a grave sin for which many were punished but the Mishkan which was commanded by Hashem also served the same purpose for which they had built the Eigel, to inspire them in their Avodas Hashem. This idea can also help us better understand the idea of Davening in Shul and the reason why it's called a "Mikdash Me'at', to serve as a inspiration for us in our daily Avodas Hashem.

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